We gather regularly to worship God and grow
in relationship with Jesus Christ:
Weekly Services:
Sundays at 9:00 am – Traditional Worship (click here for live stream)
Sundays at 11:15 am – Contemporary Worship (click here for live stream)
Tuesdays at 9:00 am – Morning Prayer (*held in the Chapel at the end of the Adult Wing)

Our worship is liturgical. We participate in worship together. We sing together. We pray together. We read Scripture together. We confess our sins together. We take communion together. Our worship is guided by the time-tested liturgy of The Book of Common Prayer. Our worship is reverent as we worship a holy God.
Each Sunday we have services with two distinct styles: traditional (9:00 am) and contemporary (11:15 am). While the style of the services is quite different, both include a beautiful liturgy, corporate singing, prayer, and Communion.
At most of our services, we celebrate Holy Communion, and if you are a baptized and believing Christian you are welcome to receive the bread and wine.

Children’s Ministry
Children are always welcome – noises and all! Learn more about Children's Ministry at Holy Cross at the link below.
(*Sensory bags are available for use during the services for children with autism or those who would benefit from them.)