We'd love for you to join in a worship service! Learn more about our worship services.
Our mission is to move middle and high school students into the presence of God. Learn more about youth ministry at Holy Cross.
Children of all ages are welcome to participate in worship! Click here to learn about our children's programming.
Parent's Day Out
Parent's Day Out is a two-day per week program for children ages 1-4 on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9:00 am through noon. Click here to learn more and register!
What is the Anglican Church?
Anglicanism is a worldwide body of Christians responding to God’s revelation through Jesus Christ. Anglicanism brings together the authority of the Bible, the historic faith, and the beauty of structured prayer. It is rooted in tradition, yet contemporary in practice. It is united in substance, yet diverse in expression. We are a global family living out our faith in local communities.

Can't make it to a service in person?
Listen to the latest sermon and check out past sermons from our Cathedral staff by clicking below.