Our Beliefs

An Ancient Faith: Historic & Rooted

At Holy Cross We Are:

Biblical/Evangelical – We are committed to the truth and authority of God’s Word written. We faithfully preach, read, study, and orient our lives around the Word of God.

Missional – We are empowered by the Holy Spirit and intentional in all we do to share the Gospel with those who do not have a saving faith in Christ. We desire to lovingly walk with people to faith.

Liturgical – We are committed to authentic worship through excellence in both traditional and modern expressions of Anglican Christianity.

Inter-Generational – We are passionate about having all ages and life-stages represented together within the church.

Holy Cross is the Cathedral for the Anglican Diocese of the South, part of the Anglican Church in North America

An Ancient Faith

With all Bible-believing Christians everywhere, and throughout the ages, we hold that the true faith concerning God and His son Jesus Christ has been handed down to us in the Bible by the Apostles. As eyewitnesses and followers of Jesus, they were uniquely equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to present the Gospel and to interpret its meaning and significance for us.

Therefore we believe the Bible to be God's Word written and to serve as the supreme authority for belief and practice in the Church today. We further acknowledge and hold fast to what has been called “that which everyone, everywhere in the Church, has always believed.” We do not create a unique faith of our own, but we hold to what the Christian Church has believed since its earliest days. This ancient Faith is summed up in three creeds: the Apostles’, the Nicene, and the Athanasian. These statements of faith help ensure that we are reading and understanding Scripture properly.

Finally, as members of the world-wide Anglican Communion, we hold to the Thirty-Nine Articles of Religion. These encapsulate the sound teaching - especially concerning faith and justification - which was emphasized during the Protestant Reformation.

So at Holy Cross, we attempt to make both our teaching and our living according to the Anglican Way: Biblical, Catholic (universal), Spirit-filled Christianity.


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